First-Ever Legal Dry Herb Vape Lounge

First-Ever Legal Dry Herb Vape Lounge

We are Stay Medicated DHVL, and we are the first-ever legal dry herb vape lounge for medicinal cannabis within the UK & Ireland.

Our members can enjoy the full benefits of the best dry herb vaping devices available to use in our lounge and, also available to purchase for home use.

Education is key and we welcome anyone wanting to learn about medicinal cannabis. We can provide up to date and relevant medicinal cannabis information, and research from around the United Kingdom and Europe.

Those in our community with only basic knowledge of cannabis can meet up and talk to each other or to one of our CBD specialists and discover the full benefits of a fit and healthy Endocannabinoid System.

The cannabis plant is so complex and interesting, we, in the lounge, are learning everyday as well.